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Salesians University
Academic Decree No. BOD221002
On the Validation and Recognition of the EDEN2034 Project
Issued on February 10, 2022
Through this decree, Salesians University hereby formally recognizes the EDEN2034 Project as a significant academic and research initiative for sustainable development, food security, and climate resilience in Central American communities. This project aligns with the values and mission of Salesians University to foster education, innovation, and sustainable development globally.
Article 1: Project Recognition
The EDEN2034 Project is recognized by Salesians University as an official program of research and development, focusing on the implementation of advanced agricultural technologies, community empowerment strategies, and innovative educational practices.
Article 2: Institutional Support
Salesians University commits to providing institutional support to the EDEN2034 Project, including academic resources, access to research facilities, and collaboration with relevant faculties and departments.
Article 3: International Collaboration and Cooperation
Collaboration and cooperation with other academic institutions, international organizations, governments, and the private sector will be encouraged to maximize the impact and reach of the EDEN2034 Project.
Article 4: Financing and Sustainability
The university will support the financing strategy of the EDEN2034 Project, seeking to ensure its long-term sustainability through various funding sources, including grants, donations, and public-private partnerships.
Article 5: Training and Education
Academic and training programs related to the EDEN2034 Project will be established and promoted, including but not limited to, the Master’s in Socioecology and Food Security, known as MSE01, which will be adapted to the Central American context.
Article 6: Publications and Dissemination
The findings and advancements of the EDEN2034 Project will be published and disseminated through academic channels and media outlets, highlighting the contributions of the university to the project and global sustainable development.
Article 7: Evaluation and Monitoring
A rigorous evaluation and monitoring system will be implemented to ensure the achievement of the EDEN2034 Project’s objectives and its alignment with the university’s academic and research standards.
Article 8: Authorization for Research and Patent Use
This decree authorizes a year of research in Honduras and the creation of the Master’s in Socioecology and Food Security (MSE01). Additionally, it permits the use of the EDEN Aeroponic Tower Patent for the purposes of the project and academia, provided that it is not used for the profit of the user. In the event of commercial use, the corresponding royalty must be paid.
Article 9: Entry into Force
This decree is effective as of its issuance date and will remain in effect until otherwise decided by the competent academic authorities of Salesians University.
Issued in Sassari, Italy, on February 10, 2022.
[Signature of Prof. Dr. Henry Martin Kurwahn]
President of Salesians University

Statutes of the EDEN2034 Project
These statutes establish the foundational framework for the EDEN2034 Project, an initiative led by Salesians University aimed at fostering sustainable development, food security, and climate resilience in Central American communities through innovative agricultural technologies and educational programs.
Article 1: Name and Nature of the Project
The project shall be known as EDEN2034, a research and development initiative under the auspices of Salesians University.
Article 2: Mission
The mission of EDEN2034 is to advance sustainable agriculture, enhance food security, and build climate resilience through innovative technologies, community empowerment, and international collaboration.
Article 3: Vision
EDEN2034 envisions a future where Central American communities are self-sufficient, resilient, and sustainably developed, thriving in harmony with their environment.
Article 4: Objectives
To implement advanced agricultural technologies such as aeroponics and aquaponics in target communities.
To foster community empowerment through education, training, and the establishment of rural savings banks.
To enhance environmental sustainability and climate resilience in agricultural practices.
To establish strategic international partnerships for knowledge exchange and project support.
To develop and promote scalable and sustainable business models within the framework of the project.
Article 5: Governance
The governance of the EDEN2034 Project shall be overseen by a Steering Committee composed of members from Salesians University, project partners, and key stakeholders.
Article 6: Funding and Financial Management
EDEN2034 shall be funded through a mix of grants, donations, public-private partnerships, and other innovative financing mechanisms. Financial management shall be conducted in accordance with the financial policies of Salesians University.
Article 7: Research and Development
The project shall conduct ongoing research and development to continuously improve its methodologies, technologies, and implementation strategies, ensuring relevance and effectiveness.
Article 8: Training and Capacity Building
EDEN2034 shall establish educational programs, including the Master’s in Socioecology and Food Security (MSE01), tailored to meet the needs of local professionals and community leaders.
Article 9: Community Engagement and Participation
The project shall actively engage with local communities, ensuring their involvement in decision-making processes, and adapting interventions to local contexts and needs.
Article 10: Monitoring, Evaluation, and Adaptation
A robust system for monitoring and evaluation shall be established to assess the impact of the project, with adaptations made as necessary to meet objectives effectively.
Article 11: Sustainability and Expansion
EDEN2034 aims for long-term sustainability and plans for geographical expansion, adapting the project model to other regions facing similar challenges.
Article 12: Amendments
These statutes may be amended as necessary, subject to approval by the Steering Committee, to reflect changes in the project’s scope, objectives, or operational environment.
Article 13: Dissolution
In the event of dissolution, any remaining assets or resources of the EDEN2034 Project shall be utilized for purposes consistent with its mission and objectives, as determined by Salesians University.
Adopted on February 17, 2022
[Signature of Prof. Dr. Henry Martin Kurwahn]
President of Salesians University

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