Our Inspiring Journey

Empowering Resilience, Cultivating Hope: The EDEN2034 Story

Our Story

Our Inspirational Journey

In the heart of our ambition lies EDEN2034, a beacon of hope and innovation in a world grappling with the challenges of sustainability and resilience. Our journey began not just as a project, but as a promise – a promise to transform the lives of communities in Central America, facing the harsh realities of environmental changes and socio-economic disparities.

Genesis of a Visionary Idea

The seeds of EDEN2034 were sown in mid-2016 at the IUSTAO Foundation in Panama City. It was a time of reflection and urgency during the Catholic Church’s “Pastoral de Movilidad Humana” conference. Witnessing the plight of migrant caravans traversing the perilous path through Central America to the United States, we knew a transformative approach was needed. These communities, beleaguered by the ruthless El Niño phenomenon, faced dwindling agricultural outputs, escalating water scarcity, and deteriorating living conditions. It was here that EDEN2034 was born – as a groundbreaking response to these humanitarian challenges.

Embarking on a Sustainable Path

Our initial focus was clear: to enhance community resilience, promote self-sufficiency, and offer viable alternatives to migration. This holistic approach was more than just about meeting immediate needs; it was about instilling community autonomy through education and innovation. We envisioned centers of advanced aquaponics food production, technical training for agricultural entrepreneurs, and a sustainable model for community development.

Facing Challenges with Courage

Implementing such an ambitious project in regions riddled with logistical and geopolitical challenges demanded more than just passion; it required resilience, innovation, and a deep understanding of local realities. The project’s feasibility was critically assessed, reflecting the complexities of operating in this context. Yet, it was these challenges that fueled our determination to create a multisectoral, adaptive intervention.

A Journey of Collaboration and Growth

From strategic alliances with Salesians University and international partners to the development of a patented aeroponics system, EDEN2034 began to take shape. The launch of the Master’s program in Socioecology and Food Security, tailored to the educational realities of local professionals, marked a significant milestone in our journey. This program wasn’t just about imparting knowledge; it was about shaping leaders who would drive the project forward within their communities.

Our Inspirational March Towards the Future

Today, as we gear up for the next phase of EDEN2034, our focus is steadfast on expansion, innovation, and the continued empowerment of communities. We see a future where EDEN2034 is not just a project in Central America but a replicable model of sustainable development and resilience, adaptable to the needs of communities worldwide.

Fuelled by Hope, Driven by Purpose

Our journey is far from over. With each step, we’re learning, growing, and evolving. The challenges we face only strengthen our resolve to build a more sustainable, equitable, and resilient world. EDEN2034 is more than a project; it’s a movement, a collective aspiration to make a lasting impact on the planet and its people.

Join Us in This Transformative Journey

We invite you to be part of this inspirational journey. Together, let’s build a legacy of sustainability, hope, and empowerment that will ripple through generations to come. EDEN2034 is not just our story; it’s a testament to what can be achieved when vision, commitment, and collaboration converge to create a brighter, more sustainable future for all.

EDEN2034 Volunteer Brigade

Uniting Hearts and Hands for Sustainable Change

Prof. Dr. Henry Martin Kurwahn

CEO Eden2034. Salesians University / Italia
Whatsapp +39 345 213 4634

Lic. Dinora Patricia Paguada

Directora Associazione Lupo / Italia

Lic. Rubén Enrique Kurwahn

Director Nihao BC. /Ecesis S.A./ Italia

Lic. Marusela Serey

Salesians University. Hamburg / Deutschland

Presbitero Jorge E. Castillo

Parroquia San Juan Evangelista y Apostol / Honduras

Let’s Create Together

Connect with us to explore how we can make your vision a reality. Join us in shaping the future.

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